Thursday, October 10, 2013

Still nothing

No news. Feeling a bit sad and very frustrated today. It's getting pretty painful. I appreciate your prayers.


  1. (((HUGS))) Hang in there mama. Lifting you up in prayer!

  2. We are praying. Adoption journeys are all so different. No matter what happens here, I believe there is a child or children that will join your family, somehow, someday. And no matter what happens, your loving prayers for precious little Rose have not been in vain and the intercession you have done on her behalf has been heard by our heavenly Father and she is reaping benefits in her life that you may never get to see this side of heaven. You see our Anna and Amy now. But what most don't know is that we went down the adoption path 2 years after home with Anna, only to have to bail out half way through the process. Out lots of time and a chunk of money but the time was not right. Later we pursued a little girl that we had sponsored. We thought she might be ours. She had a deformed hand and I kept her picture on my fridge with precious fingerpaint handprints she made for us. Oh how I prayed for her. This too fell through, she was not paper work ready and we could not get her file. Her name was Annie and she did give me such a heart to one day parent a child with a special hand......and the short version of this very long story should I tell it that now we have Amy. God was preparing our hearts for the right time and the right child for our family. Amy's was the first referral we got a call on in December and we knew that say yes. Now I know why the other plans did not work out. One will look back and see His hand....and all will be well. This verse gives us hope even as we work through issues now. Amy has shared some of her mistreatment in the foster home...with us and we are working through some hard things. He is faithful to us.
    Isaiah 45:3 I will give you the treasures of darkness, Riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.
